Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Uncharted (On The Island #1.5) by Tracey Gravis-Graves

This is a short sequel novella of On The Island telling us of Owen, the guy who built the cabin Anna and T.J. found on the Island when they explored the island. 

Owen knocks on Anna and T.J.'s door to tell them his story and to apologize in his own way (I'm not going to tell you about what :)) he sits down and tells them how he arrived on the island and what happened to him while he was there.

His story is different from their story about day to night, while I see their story as a happy one even with all the difficulties they had, his story felt very very sad and lonely. 

Owen wanted to get away from his life - he decided to live alone on the island coming back to the main island once a month for supply or just recieving supplies once a month when he doesn't feel like coming back to civilization. Owen chose this, while Anna and T.J clearly didn't. Owen had no one that cared where he was while Anna and T.J have a loving family who missed them terribly. 

On the main island Owen encounters a brother and a sister who agree to acompany him to the island. they live together for a while until something shakes them.

I liked this book but I wish it was a little less gloomy and the voices of the POV would be more noticable. We hear a little of Anna and T.J. mainly observing Owen's story. I wish we had James and Calia's voice to add to the mix (the brother and sister), I wish we could have heard Calia at all not just through Owen's eyes. and also I felt that though there was a happy ending it still felt very sad.   

Additional Details: Kindle Ebook, 144 pages, 4-5 November 2013 / On GoodReads

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