Friday, October 10, 2014

Holy Frigging Matrimony (Tangled #1.5) by Emma Chase

This one was a nice enough read, funny which isn't a surprise since it's from Drew's POV - always a joy to read. But honestly, I wasn't into the jealousy scene that we had to witness. That's a MAJOR turn down for me. You'd think Drew would be more secure with himself about his relationship with Kate 8 months after it started (considering they have been living and working together all that time..). It ended up funny enough so I'm half forgiving.. yet I wish it would have been somehow more. I enjoyed the short scenes better than I did this one (which is longer than those).

The Marriage in this one isn't theirs it's Dee Dee (Delores) and Matthew's. But it doesn't evolve them since it's a Drew and Kate novella. I"m not sure why this series is going forward and then backwards but anyway Dee Dee and Matthew get their own book (telling us of how it all started in "Tangled" time line) in "Tamed" the 3rd book in the series. I'm actually kinda curious to read how their relationship started. Dee Dee sounds bat-shit-crazy in the best possible way :

Additional Details: Kindle Ebook, 304 pages, 2-3 October 2014 / On GoodReads
Tangled is a Contemporary Romance Series by Emma Chase which centers on Andrew (Drew) Evans and Katherine (Kate) Brooks though there is one book in the series portraying Kate's best friend Dee coupling with Drew's best friend Matthew (#3, "Tamed"). 

Both Drew and Kate are into Investment Banking. Drew being a partner in his father's company and Kate coming to work there as well. Drew was always a "ladies men" or maybe I should just call him the way we see it - he's a slut. He doesn't sleep with the same woman twice, he doesn't bring them home, he doesn't coddle them. Then comes Kate.. who is first an attraction, then an obsession not only physically also mentally as they compete for a client. The attraction wins out somewhere along the line but then with appreciation and friendship they build a relationship. 

These books are so FUNNY and enjoyable to read! 
When I started "Tangled" I was a bit worried I won't get Drew who is basically a douche! and when he is not, he can be SO childish. Yet somewhere he grew on me and I realized I was just sucked into the story and couldn't and wouldn't put it down. I really liked the fact we have only a guy's POV - so refreshing! Emma writes men EXTREMELY well. 

The second book "Twisted" and the forth book "Tied" continue telling us of Drew and Kate but I didn't really like those. I feel like there is no real "need" for them relationship-wise and I also didn't like the plot line (can't say more without a MAJOR spoiler..). 

Can't say I totally recommend this series, I DO recommend both "Tangled" and "Tamed" (HEA of Matthew and Dee) but not the other two books in the series or the short novella (the "extra scenes" are actually short and cute and I do recommend those for the fun of it). I also don't think there is a need plot-wise to read the books I'm not recommending since both those books feels closed in their ending. Naturally more can happen but there are no loose ends you might be worried about / interested in. 

1. Tangled [Drew & Kate] (published 20 May 2013) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
1.1 Tangled Extra Scenes [Drew & Kate] (published 29 May 2013) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
1.5 Holy Frigging Matrimony [Drew & Kate] (published 2 December 2013) ★ ★ ★ ½
2. Twisted [Drew & Kate] (published 25 March 2014) ★ ★
3. Tamed [Matthew & Dee Dee] (published 15 July 2014) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4. Tied [Drew & Kate] (published 7 October 2014) ★ (DNF 31%)

[ Note - Bold/Purple refers to the POV ]

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